The Finals of the 9th edition of a talent scouting and innovation programme, Intelligence Hunt, takes place June 1-2, 2022. This time the theme of the competition is "Our Sustainable Future".
The Intelligence Hunt IX project competition lasts from about two months and culminates in the Finals, where the Talent teams present their solutions and high-level company executives and inspiring industry speakers share their views with the audience. Fresh new ideas and the highest and most modern technological solutions are emphasised throughout the project. Together we make our future!
ULLA KEINO, Navigate Programme Director, CEO, SeaFocus
CRAIG EASON, Editorial Director, Owner, Fathom World
Inspiring Speaker PIA MELING, Vice President, Massterly
Case Company Speaker TEEMU VAAHTERA, Managing Director, Port of Uusikaupunki
Case Company Speaker MARKKU MÄKIPERE, CEO, Stevena
Talent Team FLARE OF FUTURE with Paritosh Palkar, Team Leader, Chalmers University of Technology, Vera Andreeva, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Dmitrii Niukkanen, Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences and Victoria Pasquarelli, HAW Hamburg
Jury Member PIA MELING, Vice President, Massterly
Case Company Speaker ALEKSI HAVERINEN, Head of Power-to-X, Flexens
Talent Team FLEX IN GREEN with Stefan Johansson, Team Leader, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Sarabjit Mundae, Strathclyde University, Eric Nnanna, Strathclyde University, Chybyung Park, Strathclyde University, Mateja Paulic, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Sorphea Sok, World Maritime University and Ngouye Sougoufara, World Maritime University.
Jury Member Dr. ROLF NEISE, Freelance consultant, HPMLOG Project & Management Consultants GmbH and Senior Advisor, Mentor, SeaFocus
Inspiring Speaker. LIESL HOTALING, Educator, Eidos Education
Case Company Speaker AAPO CEDERBERG, CEO, Cyberwatch Finland
Talent Team CYBERSAFE with Zama Hlongwane, Team Leader, World Maritime University, Niloofar Bakhsh, Satakunta University of Applied Science, Khoa Nguyen, Vaasa University of Applied Sciences, Mohan Samarajeewa, Satakunta University of Applied Science, Mohammed Kabir Umar, World Maritime University and Marjia Urmi, Centria University of Applied Sciences, Oulu University
Jury Member Dr. ROLF NEISE, Freelance consultant, HPMLOG Project & Management Consultants GmbH and Senior Advisor, Mentor, SeaFocus
13.00 Moderator CRAIG EASON, Editorial Director, Owner, Fathom World
Inspiring Speaker IRENE ROSBERG, Director, Executive MBA, Shipping and Logistics, Copenhagen Business School
Case Company Speaker REKO-ANTTI SUOJANEN, CEO, Aker Arctic Technology
Case Company Speaker JUKKA SALMINEN, Sales Manager, Aker Arctic Technology
Talent Team CAPTAIN AKER ARCTIC with Denis Maksimov, Team Leader, Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences, Maria Arevalo, World Maritime University, Egemen Bal, Novia University of Applied Sciences, Huong Le, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Raga Purwanto, World Maritime University and Akhil Sunsih, Strathclyde University
Jury Chairman KARI SILLANPÄÄ, Director, Maritime and Technology Industry Branches, Turku Science Park Ltd
TED BERGMAN, Vice President, Offshore Energy Business, Elomatic
Talent Team Seyedeh Fatereh Ashabi, University of Oulu, Edgar Alberto Micheo Navas, World Maritime University, Ian Morales, and Ferdous Patwary
Member of the Jury NORA HAAPALA, Attorney-At-Law, Rödl & Partner
Inspiring Speaker ALAN MCKINNON, Professor of Logistics, Kühne Logistics University
Case Company Speaker KRISTIN ALNE, CEO, NUAer
Talent Team CÓNDORES DEL MAR with Jonatan Mendoza, Team Leader, World Maritime University, Anmol Jadav, Strathclyde University, Laxmi Kamath, World Maritime University, Minh Chau Tran, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences and Anh Tuan Vu, World Maritime University
Jury Member ALAN MCKINNON, Professor of Logistics, Kühne Logistics University
Case Company Speaker LAURI KOVANEN, Director IOT Data, Wärtsilä Voyage
Case Company Speaker ILKKA RYTKÖLÄ, Program Director, Meyer Turku
Talent Team NEWTON with Andrei Morariu, Team Leader, Åbo Akademi University, Mahesh Amberkar, Strathclyde University, Vladislav Balashov, Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences, Ahmed Elhadi, Aboa Mare - Novia University of Applied Sciences, Jesse Jackson, Strathclyde University and Gilnela Jalonen, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
Chairman of the Jury KARI SILLANPÄÄ, Director, Maritime and Technology Industry Branches, Turku Science Park Ltd